Actions Name Release Architecture Continent Focus Unique Units Unique Technologies Unique Buildings
Slavs The Forgotten Eastern European Europe Infantry, Siege weapons Boyar Orthodoxy, Druzhina N/A
Magyars The Forgotten Eastern European Europe Cavalry Magyar Huszar Corvinian Army, Recurve Bow N/A
Italians The Forgotten Mediterranean Europe Archers, Navy Genoese Crossbowman, Condottiero Pavise, Silk Road N/A
Sicilians The Forgotten Mediteranean Europe Infantry Serjeant First Crusade, Scutage Donjon
Vikings The Age of Kings Central European Europe Infantry, Navy Berserk, Longboat Chieftains, Berserkergang N/A
Teutons The Age of Kings Central European Europe Infantry Teutonic Knight Ironclad, Crenellations N/A
Goths The Age of Kings Central European Europe Infantry Huskarl Anarchy, Perfusion N/A
Franks The Age of Kings Western European Europe Cavalry Throwing Axeman Chivalry, Bearded Axe N/A