Actions Name Release Architecture Continent Focus Unique Units Unique Technologies Unique Buildings
Tatars The Last Khans Central Asian Asian Cavalry Archer Keshik, Flaming Camel Silk Armor, Timurid Siegecraft N/A
Mayans The Conquerors Native American Central America Archers Plumed Archer Obsidian Arrows, El Dorado N/A
Aztecs The Conquerors Native American Central/North America Infantry, Monks Jaguar Warrior Atlatl, Garland Wars N/A
Vikings The Age of Kings Central European Europe Infantry, Navy Berserk, Longboat Chieftains, Berserkergang N/A
Portuguese The African Kingdoms Mediterranean Europe Navy, Gunpowder units Organ Gun, Caravel Carrack, Arquebus Feitoria
Goths The Age of Kings Central European Europe Infantry Huskarl Anarchy, Perfusion N/A
Italians The Forgotten Mediterranean Europe Archers, Navy Genoese Crossbowman, Condottiero Pavise, Silk Road N/A
Celts The Age of Kings Western European Europe Infantry, Siege weapons Woad Raider Stronghold, Furor Celtica N/A