Actions Name Release Architecture Continent Focus Unique Units Unique Technologies Unique Buildings
Malay Rise of the Rajas Southeast Asian Asia Infantry, Navy Karambit Warrior Thalassocracy, Forced Levy Harbor
Ethiopians The African Kingdoms African Africa Archers, Siege weapons Shotel Warrior Royal Heirs, Torsion Engines N/A
Portuguese The African Kingdoms Mediterranean Europe Navy, Gunpowder units Organ Gun, Caravel Carrack, Arquebus Feitoria
Malians The African Kingdoms African Africa Infantry Gbeto Tigui, Farimba N/A
Berbers The African Kingdoms Middle Eastern Africa Cavalry, Navy Camel Archer, Genitour Kasbah, Maghrabi Camels N/A
Slavs The Forgotten Eastern European Europe Infantry, Siege weapons Boyar Orthodoxy, Druzhina N/A
Incas The Forgotten Native American South America Infantry Kamayuk, Slinger Andean Sling, Fabric Shields N/A
Magyars The Forgotten Eastern European Europe Cavalry Magyar Huszar Corvinian Army, Recurve Bow N/A