Actions Name Release Architecture Continent Focus Unique Units Unique Technologies Unique Buildings
Portuguese The African Kingdoms Mediterranean Europe Navy, Gunpowder units Organ Gun, Caravel Carrack, Arquebus Feitoria
Spanish The Conquerors Mediterranean Europe Gunpowder units, Monks Conquistador, Missionary Inquisition, Supremacy N/A
Byzantines The Age of Kings Mediterranean Europe, Asia Defense Cataphract Greek Fire, Logistica N/A
Sicilians The Forgotten Mediteranean Europe Infantry Serjeant First Crusade, Scutage Donjon
Lithuanians The Last Khans Eastern European Europe Cavalry, Monks Leitis Hill Forts, Tower Shields N/A
Bulgarians The Last Khans Eastern European Europe Infantry, Cavalry Konnik Stirrups, Bagains Krepost
Magyars The Forgotten Eastern European Europe Cavalry Magyar Huszar Corvinian Army, Recurve Bow N/A
Slavs The Forgotten Eastern European Europe Infantry, Siege weapons Boyar Orthodoxy, Druzhina N/A