Actions Name Release Architecture Continent Focus Unique Units Unique Technologies Unique Buildings
Ethiopians The African Kingdoms African Africa Archers, Siege weapons Shotel Warrior Royal Heirs, Torsion Engines N/A
Malians The African Kingdoms African Africa Infantry Gbeto Tigui, Farimba N/A
Cumans The Last Khans Central Asian Asia, Europe Cavalry Kipchak Steppe Husbandry, Cuman Mercenaries N/A
Tatars The Last Khans Central Asian Asian Cavalry Archer Keshik, Flaming Camel Silk Armor, Timurid Siegecraft N/A
Vikings The Age of Kings Central European Europe Infantry, Navy Berserk, Longboat Chieftains, Berserkergang N/A
Teutons The Age of Kings Central European Europe Infantry Teutonic Knight Ironclad, Crenellations N/A
Huns The Conquerors Central European Europe, Asia Cavalry Tarkan Marauders, Atheism N/A
Goths The Age of Kings Central European Europe Infantry Huskarl Anarchy, Perfusion N/A