Actions Name Release Architecture Continent Focus Unique Units Unique Technologies Unique Buildings
Britons The Age of Kings Western European Europe Archers Longbowman Yeomen, Warwolf N/A
Byzantines The Age of Kings Mediterranean Europe, Asia Defense Cataphract Greek Fire, Logistica N/A
Celts The Age of Kings Western European Europe Infantry, Siege weapons Woad Raider Stronghold, Furor Celtica N/A
Chinese The Age of Kings East Asian Asia Archers Chu Ko Nu Great Wall, Rocketry N/A
Franks The Age of Kings Western European Europe Cavalry Throwing Axeman Chivalry, Bearded Axe N/A
Goths The Age of Kings Central European Europe Infantry Huskarl Anarchy, Perfusion N/A
Japanese The Age of Kings East Asian Asia Infantry Samurai Yasama, Kataparuto N/A
Mongols The Age of Kings East Asian Asia Cavalry archers Mangudai Nomads, Drill N/A